NYS Testing Information for ENL Students and Families
Standardized assessments are used to identify the English proficiency levels of ELLs.
- NYSITELL (New York State Identification Test for English Language Learners): The State Education Department mandates that each student entering the district, whose family indicates on the Home Language Survey that another language is spoken at home, must be given the NYSITELL to determine the level of English proficiency (Entering, Emerging, Transitioning, Expanding, Commanding).
- NYSESLAT: NYSESLAT: Each Spring, all ELLs statewide are administered the New York State English as a Second Language Achievement Test (NYSESLAT) to measure their progress toward meeting NYS ENL standards. This test measures a student's proficiency level in reading, writing, speaking and listening.
- New York State Assessments: NYS Assessments in Mathematics are given to students beginning in Grade 3, regardless of their ELL status. The NYS Assessment in Science is given to students in Grade 5. Students have the option of taking the exam in either English or in their native language if available. The NYS English Language Arts (ELA) assessment is administered to students beginning in Grade 3. The NYS ELA is only administered to students who have been in the U.S. for at least one consecutive school year.
ENL Report Cards: Twice a year report cards are sent to parents to inform them about their child's current stage in English language development. The ENL report card identifies a child's stages of oral, reading and writing development.