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Student Resources

Below are links to websites that you and your child may find helpful at home.  A website for students in grades K-3 that encourages young learners to ask questions and form their own ideas. STEM • Social Studies • Reading/Writing •  Health •Arts Students can sign in using their Google classroom account. A website for students in grades 3-6 that encourages learners to ask questions and form their own ideas. STEM • Social Studies • Reading/Writing • Health • Arts Students can sign in using their Google classroom account.

New York Public Library The New York Public Library’s list of 11 great websites for both children and adults who are learning English. There are fun and interactive sites that everyone in the family can enjoy.

Colorin Colorado  As a parent, there are many ways that you can help your child succeed every single day! These bilingual parent resources offer tips on helping your child learn to read, succeed in school, and learn a new language. They also provide information about the U.S. school system and share ideas on how to build a relationship with your child’s teacher and school. In addition, you can find fun reading tips and games, bilingual booklists, ideas for using the public library, and videos of children’s authors, illustrators, and musicians. Resources are organized by topic.

Starfall A website for students in grades K-3 that emphasizes exploration, play and positive reinforcement—encouraging children to become confident and intrinsically motivated.  Students learn to build their phonemic awareness, phonics and sight word recognition to help them become better readers

Rewordify is a powerful, free, online software that improves reading, learning and teaching. This site can intelligently simplify difficult English for faster comprehension and effectively teach words for building a better vocabulary.

Collins Cobuild Dictionary  A great resource tool for finding definitions to unknown words.  Definitions are based on real examples of English - the type of English that people speak and write every day.

Children's library A website for students in grades K-6 that highlights international literature. Students can access different types of literature in various languages in this digital library. The ICDL Foundation promotes tolerance and respect for diverse cultures by providing access to the best of children's literature from around the world.

Englishmedialab A website for English language learners of all ages. English Media Lab features Several ESL Exercises Online. We have an English TV Section with Videos by Levels - Beginner Videos, Elementary & High Level Videos.