Directions to Ridge Street Elementary School
390 North Ridge Street Rye Brook, NY 10573
From Upstate NY or from West of Westchester County:
Go across Tappan Zee Bridge (going South on the Thruway). Take second exit ROUTE 287 – CROSS WESTCHESTER east to Exit 9 HUTCHINSON RIVER PARKWAY NORTH (toward CT & Merritt Parkway). Exit from the "HUTCH" at Exit 29 – RIDGE ST. At the top of the ramp make a LEFT onto Ridge Street. Proceed for 1/5 of a mile. The school will be directly on your left. Make a LEFT into the entrance of the Bruno M. Ponterio Ridge Street School.
From New England:
South on HUTCHINSON RIVER PARKWAY to Exit 29 RIDGE STREET. At the end of the exit ramp make a RIGHT on to Ridge Street. Proceed for 1/5 of a mile. The school will be directly on your left. Make a LEFT into the entrance of the Bruno M. Ponterio Ridge Street School.
From New York City:
Get to the HUTCHINSON RIVER PARKWAY heading north. Continue north until Exit 29 (from the "HUTCH") – RIDGE STREET. At the top of the ramp make a LEFT onto Ridge Street. Proceed for 1/5 of a mile. The school will be directly on your left. Make a LEFT into the entrance of the Bruno M. Ponterio Ridge Street School.