Any equipment/item that interferes with the educational environment is not permitted in the school building or on the school grounds at any time.
The following items are specifically not permitted:
- Skateboards
- Rollerblades
- Rollers on shoes
- Hand-held video games (i.e.: Gameboy, Nintendo Switch, etc.)
- Smartwatches (i.e.: Watch that receives messages, can communicate outside of school, etc.)
- Personal iPod/ iTouch/iPad etc.
- Any item (toys, etc.) that resembles a weapon of any kind
- Toys and collectibles (Silly Banz, trading cards, any popular/trendy item, etc.) - These items should be left at home and are especially not to be brought to school unless authorized by a member of the BMPRSS administration, faculty, or staff. Trading of these items is also not permitted.
NOTE: This list is not exclusive and any other item that is deemed unsafe or disruptive to the educational process will be prohibited. Students bring personal possessions, inclusive of Nooks, Kindles, and iPads, to school at their own risk. Fifth grade lockers should be kept locked at all times.
NOTE about NOOKS, KINDLES, iPads: Students must have prior permission from an administrator or faculty member. Students bringing these items in do so at their own risk.